
Tomi Hazel Ward is a long time resident of the Southern Oregon bioregion first settling here in the early 70’s and has been advising farms and teaching Permaculture for over thirty years.  He has degrees in Forestry and Botany from Syracuse University and has taught at Laney College in Oakland CA., D-Q University in Davis CA, and at Thlolego Learning Centre in South Africa among many other institutes and communities.  He is presently managing a Social Forestry experimental station in Little Wolf Gulch near Ruch, OR, where he is demonstrating natural building, fuel hazard materials utilization, multiple products woods-crafting, wildlife enhancement and desert forest water management.  

Tom Ward has taught dozens of permaculture courses over the last 30 years, primarily in Southern Oregon and northern California, as well as occasional jaunts farther afield.  These include the PDC, permaculture teachers training, and advanced courses in Optical Surveying, Social Forestry, and Design.  He is a frequent guest instructor for Toby Hemenway and other instructors at PDC’s offered in the Northwest.  Tom holds permaculture diplomas from Bill Mollison’s Institute, as well as from the Permaculture Institute of North America as of 2016.  In conjunction with Siskiyou Permaculture, he teaches a weekend PDC once every 1-2 years at various locations in Southern Oregon and advanced permaculture courses at his site in the Little Applegate.  He is the author of Greenward Ho! Herbal Home Remedies: An Ecological Approach to Sustainable Health.  Tom gives talks on all aspects of Permaculture with recent topics being Social Forestry, Ecological Opportunities and Constraints of the Upper Bear Creek Basin, Permaculture for the Masses, Becoming Indigenous to the Siskiyous and Envisioning a Permanent Culture in the Rogue Valley.  Recent storytelling events have centered around a vision of the Siskiyou region in the 22nd century.