
Ways to Give

Help us reach our goal of raising $41,500 by December 3, 2024.

Your Support Leads to Strong Programs! Individual donors are the backbone in PLAYA’s ability to be a place where creative & scientific inquiry are the priority. PLAYA’s programs—awarded and self-directed residencies, workshops, community events, and campus rentals—are staffed and budgeted for this sole purpose. Individual donations from Friends of PLAYA are the marrow that fortify PLAYA’s annual budget.

Your generous contributions support PLAYA’s work facilitating a place for art and science in these seven areas:

  • Intentional inquiry in the arts and sciences, including hosting 82 Art/Sci Awarded Residents in 2025!
  • Boosting Oregon’s creative economy with direct artist’s stipends
  • Supporting underrepresented groups and BIPOC cohorts
  • Themed art/science residencies, like the 2023-24 Wildfire + Water Artists and Scientists Collaborating for Change Residency
  • Art, science and culture educational assets for Lake County’s school districts
  • Motus bird migration and Dark Sky Sanctuary monitoring systems
  • Free community art and science events

Join these folks who have made individual donations in 2024:
Julie Bryant and Bill Roach
Karen Shimamoto and Richard Mackey
Farnaz Fatemi and Paul Skenazy
Jan Layne
Jemma Crae
Lori Noack
Juan Alvarado Valdivia
and others!

Foundations supporting our work in 2024 and beyond:
The Roundhouse Foundation
The Oregon Community Foundation
Lake County Cultural Coalition
The Ford Family Foundation
The Marie Lamfrom Charitable Trust
The Maybelle Clark McDonald Fund
The R.W. Naito Foundation
James and Marion Miller Foundation
Oregon Cultural Trust
The Autzen Foundation
Gray Family Foundation

    Donate today to help us reach our goals!