
Christopher O’Leary is a photographer and media artist based in Los Angeles. His practice is informed by research into cosmology, ecology, and other hard sciences, as well as representations of futurism and speculative fiction in high and low culture. His work can vary in form from documentary photographs, to generative animations, to large-scale installations and other configurations. He is motivated to create art that explores big questions facing humanity: our past, our future, our relationship to technology, and our place in the material world. Christopher’s work has shown and published widely, including the cover of Leonardo Art Science journal, and in exhibitions in Los Angeles, Seattle, Rome, Istanbul and Belgrade. He was the first artist-in-residence with the Carnegie Observatories in Atacama Chile in 2016, and was a visiting researcher at the UCLA Art Science Center in 2014. He was a resident at Rockland Woods in WA in 2021 and 2018, a resident of Playa in Oregon in 2019, and The Ucross Foundation in WY in 2012, amongst others. Christopher is a professor of photography at Pasadena City College.