
Rebeca Douglass is a Pacific Northwest native who in thirty years as a Californian has learned to love the dry lands of the West. When she’s not hiking and adventuring, she writes: the Ninja Librarian books of tall tales for children, a series of “cozy” murder mysteries for adults, short stories in many genres. The common thread is place: She’s always exploring the ways in which setting influences story, and in increasing the role of place in her stories, as well as in questions of what constitute “home.”

She graduated in 1985 from Whitworth College (now University), in 1988 with an MA from the University of Washington, and in 1995 with her PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara, all in English Literature. She worked for 17 years at her local library, until retiring in 2018 to divide her time between travel, hiking, and writing. Her short stories have been published in a number of anthologies and journals.