Riversteadt (River) LaMoreaux, Ph.D. is passionate about interdisciplinarity – she is part writer, part scientist, and part artist. She has published in a wide variety of genres including short play, creative non-fiction, poetry, and academic scientific writing. Her artwork has been featured in several art shows and in a book (mostly under her former name, Heidi K. LaMoreaux). River is fascinated by intersections, connections and overlaps. Her exploration of connections between geography, creative writing and art led to the creation of “Inner Geographies,” a schema which explores how methods scientists use to create (or recreate) the natural history of places can be used metaphorically to explore the forces and processes which create an individual person’s history. River is a Professor Emerita from the Hutchins School of Liberal Studies at Sonoma State University and has also taught at Santa Rosa Junior College, California Institute of Integral Studies, and College of Idaho. For information about how River combines writing, science and art, please visit her websites: www.innergeographies.com and www.riverlamoreaux.com.