Poet and translator Karen McPherson was a professor of French literature at the University of Oregon until her very recent retirement. She is the author of the poetry collection Skein of Light (2014) and of the 2012 chapbook Sketching Elise. She worked for several years as an editor in the Airlie Press poetry collective. Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals including Beloit Poetry Journal, Descant, The Cincinnati Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, and Potomac Review. In 2013, Karen published Delft Blue & Objects of the World, a book-length translation into English of poetic essays by Quebec poet Louise Warren. Her current projects include a translation of Tout près [Right Up Close], a volume of poems by Quebec poet Louise Dupré. Karen plans to devote her Playa residency to drafting a poem series called “Time Lapse” that will be included in her work-in-progress, a full-length poetry collection called Long for this World. She lives in Eugene, Oregon with her wife Elise who is a home-birth midwife.